Our Services

  • Individual & Couples Therapy

    My specialty is BIPOC adults suffering with depression, anxiety, chronic medical conditions and chronic pain. In addition, I have spent time working with couples working through various life transitions and stressors impacting their relationship. All couples are welcomed: same-sex, heterosexual, monogamist, or non-monogamist, etc.

    Currently, I am only accepting self-pay clients but please check back periodically to see what insurances we have added.

  • Social Work Exam Prep

    I offer both individual and group sessions (if minimum participant number is reached). You will receive a customized study plan, strategies to reduce test taking anxiety, and review of the Flow Study Method. I also, offer a quick 1 hour prep to get you headed in the right direction with studying.

  • Clinical Supervision

    I offer supervision services to individuals and organizations as a contractor, for social workers seeking advanced licensure. During supervision you can expect the following topics: Case Review, Diagnostic and Treatment Planning, Intervention Techniques, Ethical Issues including boundaries, Counter-Transference, Legal Issues including mandated reporting and guardianship, Work-Related Stressor, Use of Self, How To Write Effective Case Notes, Cultural Competence/Humility, Trauma-Informed Care, Current Events and Policies related to social work and/or medical field, Relationships with Colleagues and Management, Developing Confidence and Self-Care including discussions on future career plans.